Sunday, October 28, 2018

CSULA Fall 2018. Reflection Post #10

CC and Speed Selection on YouTube

       I have learned yet another exciting helpful information regarding closed captioning and speed selection within YouTube. CC has three options for adding transcribed captions to any videos one is uploading. The first option is to copy and paste the video script into caption text. The next option is to create auto captions and connect the errors. Last, is the auto sync, where you listen to your video and the moment you start typing the script, the video stops playing. I find the last method to be more effective. Additionally, there are times when one is watching YouTube videos where the speaker is either speaking too slow or too fast. It can be quite a predicament, however, if you click on the bottom right on settings you can choose the speed at which you want the video you are watching to run. You select the speed. This can be highly beneficial. I love having the option to choose. 

CSULA Fall 2018. Reflection Post #9

Prezi Lesson Presentation 4300

       Please know that all prezi requires for users to create an account is an email address or you can login in with your facebook account. Also, be sure to select the basic package which is free. Having said that, let me share with that I am, for the first time ever, creating a lesson plan using prezi instead of the traditional Power Point. I had heard of prezi before and always wanted to try it myself, and now that I am I find it very lively. Prezi is relatively easy to navigate. The site has templates for novice and for more skilled users. I have decided to try both just to see the difference. Try it yourself and see if you can identify the differences, if any. I found no differences.

CSULA Fall 2018. Reflection Post #8

All about Java

       Java is the main programming language with android programing applications and is relatively easy to learn...and so that is the belief. Java started in 1991. Java is n object-oriented programming language, thus it is organized in objects and data. Steve jobs once said "objects encapsulate complexity", many times we don't know the specifics of a certain request or action, but the objects handling the complex request does. Java uses getters and setters to create simple language code. Java is also believed to be unreliable as it can be a security threat on your PC. My humble suggestion: Only download and run Java if absolutely needed. Take a look at this tutorial.

Monday, October 8, 2018

CSULA Fall 2018. Reflection Post #6

What is Lorem Ipsum and is it something we can use?

       I am certain this is perhaps the first time you have heard this term, it is the first time for me, and so of course I had to find out what exacly Lorem Ipsum was. After reading a few articles I found out that Lorem Ipsum actually "refers to text that the DTP (Desktop Publishing) industry use as replacement text when the real text is not available. ... Lorem Ipsum is dummy text which has no meaning however looks very similar to real text". Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. 

In other words, just ignore lorem ipsum and replace with your own text...your own words...


CSULA Fall 2018. Reflection Post #7

Are you ready to leave behind your comfort zone and try prezi? I know I am.

I have used power-point for all my presentations since...always...and every time I want to give prezi, canva, nearpod, google slides, or any other software alternative to the traditional power point the students, teachers, and or people I collaborate with are resistant to change? Let me just say that when collaborating in a group the worst part is not agreeing on selecting what kind of format will be utilized for the presentation, but rather, the collaborating altogether. Nevertheless, I love group collaboration as it helps me polish and improve my interpersonal skills. Polishing and improving ones skills is sort of similar to trying different alternatives...sort of thinking outside the box...thus, trying different alternatives to the traditional power point can be a bit daunting, but is worth a try. Let us leave our comfort zone behind...

Monday, October 1, 2018

CSULA Fall 2018. Reflection Post #5

So, what is cloud computing?

       You may have heard about cloud computing and may have wondered what exactly does it do? Cloud computing is an internet based storage service. You can either upload or download files and or content onto or from the cloud. Cloud computing is sort of like the google drive we have become so accustomed to...or more recently, adobe. Is very simple to use and is free. All you need is to access and either register or use your gmail email address to login. You can share files and documents with anyone by either sharing a link or clicking share on the document or file you want to share. Any content you have stored on the cloud can be accessed from any computer. So, please create a strong password in order to protect encrypt your data. We must act responsibly when uploading, downloading, and or posting from or to the cloud...let us control our impulsive fingers...let us not be like our current president..

sky clouds GIF