Saturday, December 8, 2018

CSULA Fall 2018. End of Fall Semester Final Reflection Post #15

Volition required...

Attending graduate school has been an awesome, rewarding, and exciting journey...I am so blessed!! I learned how to create QR codes, infographs, digital images using photoshop, google spreadsheets, and professional organization surveys. I also learned how to make teaching videos using via screencasting site and YouTube. This semester flew by...yet, I was able to learn so much! I find that in order to be successful in any technology related degree one must not only be able to master self-motivation, but one must be able to master volition. One must have a very clear intention of one's wills and future goals/plans.

Check out this mini Adobe Spark video...

Sunday, December 2, 2018

CSULA Fall 2018. Reflection Post #14


Quizlet is such an interactive and useful learning tool that allow students to learn most about anything...These flashcard games are so effective and free to use for students and free to create for teachers. All you need is a gmail or academic institution email account...and you are on you way to either creating or accessing empowering learning tools. Quizlet can be accessed via a mobile devise, laptop, ipad, and or desktop. Quizlet has over 200 million user-generated flashcard sets and more than 30 million active users. Simply follow these steps to create a flashcard set: 

  1. Get to and log in to your account. ...
  2. Once on the Quizlet homepage hit the big green Make Flashcards button in the middle of the page.
  3. Type in a title and subject that correspond to the set you are about to create. ...
  4. Adjust the "visible to" and "editors" tabs. ...
  5. Fill in the appropriate information.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

CSULA Fall 2018. Reflection Post #13

Google Spreadsheets

google share GIF

Yet another amazing google resource we can use freely and for free...It had been a while since I last used spreadsheets to create any document...I was a bit rustic, but I guess is true what they say...once you learn something it is hard to forget. The functions can be a bit daunting, however, with a little practice one can create awesome spreadsheets on google. Much like other google resource, these spreadsheets can be shared for others to use, edit, etc. I will no longer balance my budget with my cell calculator, instead I will create a budget spreadsheet and make my life easier...I should probably make another spreadsheet to balance my daily calorie intake. Give it a try! is free...

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

CSULA Fall 2018. Reflection Post #12

Adobe Spark Features 

If you are ever fortunate enough to have access to any adobe product allow me to recommend adobe spark. Some of the things you can create on adobe spark include: Making a web story, making a video,  and even a spark page! Adobe spark is an integrated suite of storytelling applications for the mobile and web. It comprises three separate design apps. Can you guess what they are? Yes, page, post, and video. Spark, unlike other adobe products, is user friendly. I would say, if you can write an email, then you can create either a page, a post or a video...and not just any page, post or video, but professionally looking pages, posts and videos. Not convinced yet? take a listen...and take a look...

Thursday, November 8, 2018

CSULA Fall 2018. Reflection Post #11

Technology, as we have all experience at some point or other in our lives, is very dynamic, thus, it is up to us to stay current in this field. With power comes responsibility, hence, we must ensure that the information we are sharing with the world is accurate. Let us not take for granted the amazing opportunity to expand our knowledge and to share it responsibly with the world. 

Additionally, since this field is so dynamic it is imperative that anyone entering into this field remains current with technology by continuously taking courses related to technology and by reading any updates related to technology.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

CSULA Fall 2018. Reflection Post #10

CC and Speed Selection on YouTube

       I have learned yet another exciting helpful information regarding closed captioning and speed selection within YouTube. CC has three options for adding transcribed captions to any videos one is uploading. The first option is to copy and paste the video script into caption text. The next option is to create auto captions and connect the errors. Last, is the auto sync, where you listen to your video and the moment you start typing the script, the video stops playing. I find the last method to be more effective. Additionally, there are times when one is watching YouTube videos where the speaker is either speaking too slow or too fast. It can be quite a predicament, however, if you click on the bottom right on settings you can choose the speed at which you want the video you are watching to run. You select the speed. This can be highly beneficial. I love having the option to choose.